Several years ago, we were traveling through North Carolina and stopped at a rest area late at night. We noticed a lot of cats prowling around, and we asked about them. The caretaker of the rest area told us that there were wild cats living in the woods around the rest area. At night they came up to the rest area in search of food.
I wondered what it might be like for these cats, living wild in the forest, especially those who had been pets and had gotten lost or run away. After reading Erin Hunter's Warriors books, now I have an idea! Erin Hunter has created a vividly imagined cat society, complete with its own customs, religion, and history.
I haven't read the original Warriors books yet, but I just read the first several books in the second series, Warriors: The New Prophecy, and I found them to be enjoyable, exciting and moving. The cats are fully developed characters who experience conflict and growth, and I quickly became attached to them. I see why these books are so popular with the teens and pre-teens.
Erin Hunter is really two authors, Cherith Baldry and Kate Cary, writing under a pseudonym. We're very excited that Cherith has agreed to participate in a chat with the members of our Wands and Worlds community on December 11.
Click here for more information about the Erin Hunter chat
EDIT: This chat was a couple of years ago, but we've had a couple more chats with Erin Hunter and other authors since then. For more information about our author chats, see this page.
Please note that blogger seems to be broken, and won't display more than 200 comments, even if you click the "Newer" link. So if you commented on this post and it doesn't show up, I'm really sorry. There doesn't seem to be anything I can do.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 342 of 342YZJWRYour my deputy moonlight!
Yes, I've heard of Firestar's Quest, AND I bought "Secrets of the Clans" with my own money, and finished it in 1 day! I was very disapointed with the size of that books, and "The Lost Warrior":( I can't WAIT for "Firestar's Quest", AND... SCHOOL'S OUT!!!:P
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
I love Warrior series! When i read the first one i couldn't let them go. I finally found a series that i enjoy SOO MUCHH! Anybody who is reading this and wants to start Warrior series... You WON'T regret it! right now I'm on the first book of Power of Three! And do far it is awesomeee!!!
:( ergh, this iz the first dawnfeather, not emberstripe, i havnt been here in a while... i still luv warriors though!!! but i dont like that emberstripe haz the same name as me, itll b really confusing!!!
Yeah, Dawnfeather... I thought it'd be confusing too! I'm Emberstripe again!:P
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
I luv warriors! I just finished The Sight! I've read all of the books at least 4 times. They r awesome. You can just call me Lighteningtail.
Lightningtail - do you have secrets of the clans yet? It's great!
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Swiftpelt,that is weird.VERY weird.
ummmm... WILDSTAR, what's so weird???
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Well,ummmmm,swiftpelt's my sister Emberstripe
oh, kewl. My brother doesn't like warriors... I kinda wish he did... oh well:P
I LOVE the warriors books there Awsome!! i want Firestars Quest, The Lost Warrior, The Secrets Of The Clan and finally the rest of The Power Of Three ^^ o and im only 11 and i can read 1 of these books in 4 days if theres school if not about 2-3 days ^^ :P
my mame is evan palmer i live in circleville, ohio. and i freakin love the warrior books. i have the first six and all the books in the new prophecy. and i have read them all 6 times. I have 4 cats, firestar, graystripe, tallstar, and whitestorm. they should freakin make a movie because i would see it 100 times. they are the best books ever. my favorite, warrior cats are: Firestar, graystripe, brakenfur, thornclaw, bluestar, oakheart, crookedstar, whitestorm, stormfur, feathertail, brambleclaw, squirrelfligjht, leafpool, sandstorm, sorreltail, raggedstar, yellowfang, spottedleaf, lionheart, cloudtail, brightheart, and russetfur. peace-out!!!!
I love these series, i let my friends borrow them and they loved it as well. Best series i ever read. I'm really looking foward to the new books coming out. I do have a few questions though, like what happens to Princess, and does Firestar die in the books ( that won't be answered because it will give away the book, and NOT that i want him to die, but Tigerstar does want him to die...)
And uhhmm..on the website name i got Brambleclaw of Thunderclan. Go him!
Its so boring waiting for new books to come out, but to pass the time I just re-read the series again!
Here are some names for anyone to use if you like them:
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
P.S. You can write to Erin Hunter and ask questions! It takes quite a long time to reply but it is worth it!
Hi it's Swiftpelt again.
I don't know if my name should be Swiftpelt, Swiftclaw, Hawkflower, Wildflower, Swiftfire or something else. What does everyone think? Please help!
P.S. Swiftpelt was the name I got on
Heya, ive read all the books of warriors like 10 times now, i already preorderd firestarts quest, and i cant wait untill it comes out!!! the new power of 3 books iz coming out in december if anybody is wondering...
Dawnflower, I love your name!
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Apprentice: Wildpaw
dear sheila i am erins #1 fan but their latest books is starlight please talk to them and give me their email address
I'm sorry, but they don't have a public email address. If they did, then fans would bombard them with so much email that they wouldn't have time to write. You can send them a snail mail letter care of their publisher, HarperCollins.
Swiftclaw here (formerly Swiftpelt)
The address to write to Erin Hunter is:
Author Erin Hunter
Harper Collins Children's Books
1350 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019-4703
It took ages for a reply when I wrote, but it was worth it!
Swiftclaw: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Apprentice: Leopardpaw
P.S. I changed my name. I prefer Swiftclaw.
kewl. Swiftclaw DOES sound better:)
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Siblings: Breezepaw(Half Brother)
Thanx emberstripe!
Swiftclaw: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Siblings: Wildstar, Rosethorn, Flamefoot.
Apprentice: Leopardpaw
Does anyone know of a way I can contact Erin Hunter? I think if she did make a warriors movie, it should be like the movie Felidae.
i'm overly obsessed with the Warriors series iv read the whole first series and up to "Dawn" on the second series. but am struggling to get hold of the rest, but im determined to. its the greatest series of books iv ever read!!
on the official site im Swiftshadow from riverclan.. but i'd rather be Hellpaw from shadowclan
Swiftclaw here
Hi Ravensight, love your name by the way,
The only way to contact Erin Hunter is to use this address:
Author Erin Hunter
Harper Collins Children's Books
1350 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019-4703
Swiftclaw: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Siblings: Wildstar, Rosethorn, Flamefoot.
Apprentice: Leopardpaw
hey i want to know what happened to that hiddious traitor tigerclaw!!! he killed redtail the deputy and almost killed ravenpaw, fireheart, and bluestar. and tallstar and windclan... they are idiots!!! thunderclan helps them fight off shadowclan and riverclan warriors and what do they do? they side with shadowclan and try to get brokentail even though bluestar explained it all them!! i hope tigerclaw dies...that would punish him good...
Darkstar what book have u read up to and have u got the new prophecy yet?
Swiftclaw: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Siblings: Wildstar, Rosethorn, Flamefoot.
Apprentice: Leopardpaw
I wish I could Email Erin Hunter and tell them how much I Love the warriors! Everyone calls me PuddleWhisker, i wish i were a cat from Thunderclan. Erin Hunter is my favorite author, and i want to be an author too someday. Already i write my own stories.
look, i love the worrior cat series iv'e read them all here's the little hint for Firestar's Quest:There is peace at last between the warrior Clans, and Firestar is proud of the strength and unity of the cats he leads in ThunderClan. All four forest Clans are thriving, training new warriors and keeping their boundaries without conflict.
But Firestar's dreams are haunted by wailing cats fleeing a terrible disaster. With unexpected help from an old kittypet friend, he discovers a shocking secret: StarClan, the warrior ancestors who guide his paw steps, have lied to him.
Firestar is faced with the hardest decision of his life. Can he really turn his back on the forest that has become his home and embark on a perilous quest to discover a dark truth—one that has been buried beyond the memory of living cats? Whatever he finds at the end of his journey, he knows that nothing can ever be the same again.
I go to the website and they say my name's Bramblenose from thunderclan!
look everyone who wants to keep track of the warrior cat series, use the website i'm putting at the bottom of this page and when you get there click on meet erin hunter and in the bottom left corner there is a botton that says authur tracker, and then put in your birthday and your e'mail address and them check your e-mail here it is:
Hey everyone, swiftclaw here
I need some help with ideas. I want to write a fanfiction but I don't know what to write it about. If anyone can give me any ideas it will be appreciated.
Swiftclaw: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Siblings: Wildstar, Rosethorn, Flamefoot.
Apprentice: Leopardpaw
P.S. Please help!
Hi anonymous,
Thank you for your comments. I'm afraid that I rejected the ones with the spoilers, because I didn't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't read those books yet. I'm sorry to say that I also didn't post your fan fiction, because this isn't really the place to post a long story. I do wish you luck with it, though. If you'd like to join the Wands and Worlds community, we have a writing forum where you can post stories and poems. Membership in the community is only $5 for a whole year. You can find it at
hi this is my first time here and i think is awsome i love the books sooo much there really cool my warrior name is wildstripe
Three more days until Firestar's Quest!!!!!!!!!
Swiftclaw: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Siblings: Wildstar, Rosethorn, Flamefoot.
Apprentice: Leopardpaw
he every one ummm i dont really know what to write but here it goes hey they shold make a warrior movie but i did here shella said they dont have plans for it ]= to bad while my warrior name is frost star leader of riverclan my parents are sunpelt and swiftfur and siblings are roseclaw and darkfur and Eaglefrost yeah and my cat has a gray pelt with a bluish tinge around the paws and muzzle.
Hi Froststar have you pre-ordered Firestar's Quest or are u getting it tomorrow?
One more day!!!!!!!!!!
Swiftclaw: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Siblings: Wildstar, Rosethorn, Flamefoot.
Apprentice: Leopardpaw
Firestar's Quest came out today!!!!
I still havent got it yet. :(
Swiftclaw: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Siblings: Wildstar, Rosethorn, Flamefoot.
Apprentice: Leopardpaw
Hellpaw? do u by any chance go on a site called "Warriors Fantasy"?
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Siblings: Breezepaw(Half Brother)
I have started a new site solely for the purpose of sharing quizzes on books we have read. I have completed about 5 quizzes with the answers on the Warriors Books by Erin Hunter. I hope to complete all of them by this weekend. Drop by if you would like to check out your knowledge/ memory of what you have read or wold like to contribute. The site is
Hey, does any1 else think breezepaw's mom is really mean to Leafpool?
Lakefur of Riverclan
hey every1 swiftclaw here
yeah I agree w/u Lakefur, it's like Nightcloud is boasting that she had kits with Crowfeather and not Leafpool. Poor Leafy :( By the way I love your name :) !
Swiftclaw: A very fast and sleek black and white she-cat with leaf green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Siblings: Wildstar, Rainstorm, Ebonyflower
Kits: Aquakit, Rainkit, Hawkkit
P.S. Has any1 got Firestar's Quest?
I like the Warriors series so much!! and it gave me an idea of a series I could write, but i don't know if i should... plz someone help me make my decision!
what's your story about Rainfoot?
Swiftclaw: A very fast and sleek black and white she-cat with leaf green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Siblings: Wildstar, Rainstorm, Ebonyflower
Kits: Aquakit, Rainkit, Hawkkit
i love this site and the series i have read one and have 4 call me snakefrost i am a toirtious shell shecat with a white tail i hope kiwi and kalley are safe in star clan and wickcarrot is happy but my rouge now a kittypet tutter well im not sure he likes the twoleg life
Hi i love the warrior series they rule i have read the originals and the first few of thr new prophecy are coming with amazon and it is taking for ever! check out the official website :
i think its great that sandstorm and firestar are in love, but what happens to sandstorm? my friend said something happens to her What is she won't tell me and i need to know
Hi every1
I need ideas for a fanfiction please help!!! Could you reply soon if you can help me thanx.
Swiftclaw: A very fast and sleek black and white she-cat with leaf green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Siblings: Moonfrost, Rainstorm, Ebonyflower
Apprentice: Hawkpaw
Hey,Emberstripe!Wildstar here! Did you know that we're cousins?
P.S. What book are you on?
Wildstar, you and Emberstripe r my cousins too!
Swiftclaw: A very fast and sleek black and white she-cat with leaf green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Siblings: Moonfrost, Rainstorm, Ebonyflower
Apprentice: Hawkpaw
I think they should make a cartoon movie of it, I think it would make alot of money...
hi i'm Sweetberry!
i LOVE the warriors series too!!!
i'm waiting for the dark river to come out.
Sweetberry:a tortioseshell she-cat with green eyes and a white paw
Parent:Graystirpe and Millie
Kits:Weedkit, Grasskit, and Creamkit
Well how is everyone doing?
Hi, also to Anonymous, her name is Squirrelflight/Squirellpaw/squirellkit. Who all here has read everybook you can? Who owns every book you can? I only own the First and second prohacey, butI have read all but Firestar's quest. I LOVE HOLLYPAW, LION PAW AND JAYPAW!
I am only on the second book, but I just keep craving more. i get most of the books I read from my school library, and when I finished the second book this weekend, I refused to read anything else except for the Warriors books! And not to mention i'am grounded!
P.S. does anybody know the origanil sites url is?
i love the warriors books i stay up till 2 pm just reading them even though i get in trouble do any of you know their address so i can write them a letter?
from icepath
p.s. i took the game on the warroirs site and this is my name
Hi even though my thing says anonymous i took the quiz so you can just call me Tangleheart of ThunderClan!
I love the warriors books! I've read the first series 12 times and the second 6 times! I can't wait until the second Po3 book comes out and the next warriors manga too! MY warrior clan is windclan and I am a nursing queen!
Actually Swiftclaw,w're brother and sister,and Emberstripe our cousin. ~Wildstar~ tortiseshell tom with amber eyes clan:Thunderclan rank:leader parents:Brambleclaw&Squirrellflight
Emberstripe,have you read the book Firestars quest yet??? ~Wildstar~ a toritseshell tom with amber eyes rank:leader parents: brambleclaw and squirellflight
clan: thunderclan
siblings: moonpaw, brightfrost and hollykit
Holy! Haven't been here in so long! WOW O_O .
Everyone saying I'm their family, that's awesome!
Wildstar- Yes, I have read Firestar's Quest. It was huge, eh? Anyways, I loved it. Sucks that The Dark River is coming out the day after Christmas... (or at least it is where I live)
A beautiful, but unusual light grey/black she-cat with dark black stripes & fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Mistybelle is a beautiful she-cat with golden eyes and a silky pelt covered in different shades of black and brown. Ever since I was a kit, I have drempt of becoming Clan leader. If you accept my bio, I promise I will do my very best at being Clan leader.
Clan: RiverClan
Age: 36 Moons
hey people i luv warriors!!!! when i got the first book i read it in an hour i couldnt put it down!! any way just call me bluefur, a thunderclan warrior!! i wish i was in the warriors world
sheila, are there such things as warriors tapes?
Leafpool, do you mean audio tapes? I just checked on, and there are a couple of the New Prophecy books on Audio CD or audio download and that's all I see. The ones that I see are Twilight, Starlight, and Sunset.
i am reading the warrior cat series to my son who is blind.we are both enjoying the stories very much. what i would like to know is which books have been published on audio cd thanks
hi sheila!it's Lightstreak from the W&W forums ^^ just saying hi lulz
there's going to be a war between the rogues and the Clans soon!Please join :D
i have read all including the newest kicked butt
I LOVE these books, but I am VERY upset Bluestar died, I could of gone without that part. I cried when I read it.
Greatest books ever!! You guys should try some different warrior sites, thier like role playes, like Warrior-pawz. This is such a great site. Warriros rule!! Oh and I also wish I was a silver catw ith white paws called Stonestream, I put the name of my 2 favorite cats form Windclan together. Like Stonefur, Mistfoot's brother and Silverstream, Greystripe's mate.
I love the warriors books!
i even made a website about them...
Want to go on? Here is the URL
Hey fellow Warrior fans!
I've been reading these books since they first came out, and I am ALWAYS anticipating the next installment of this amazing series.
I have several outside cats, all of which hunt in the fields by my house . . . There is even a dominent leader, and a clear second-in-command, I love watching the adults teach the kits to hunt. My fav new kitten, Bob (for Bob Sanders of the Indianapolis Colts), A sleak looking Tom, about 7-8 months old, and he has kind of been taken under the wing of my Current fav. cat, M.J. (Mack Jenior, named after our old second-in-command Mack, R.I.P., who looks JUST like M.J., Both are HUGE and muscular, Tigerstar wouldn't have a chance), and they go hunting for a few hours every day. and Bob cought Rabbit, and that thing was HUGE! I mean, it was twice his size! I took somepictures of the cats sharing it, and it took them all day to eat it . . . Anywho, I dont mean to go on about randomness, but when the dirt hits the fan, (lol), I'm just another fan of these books . . . take care!
BTW: This is all true!
Hey Emberstripe!I started "THE SIGHT"afew days ago.Also I got the field guide.
A tortiseshell tom with amber eyes.
Parents: Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight
Rank: Leader
Clan: Thunderclan
Wildstar, How do like the field guid? I found it very usefull to explain things. I'm not quite as far as u r in the seriese, but I'm close. (:
Hey Wildstar, I found the field guide very usefull! Keep reading (:
I love the books i am only on theth book because my mom says that i have to buy the books my self so i have like no money. I have gotten so addicted but the tigerclaw/tigerstar thing really surprised me. I think thats why im so interested.i have noticed one thin every battle thunderclan gets into they win. I hope there will be so much moreare more and more
Hey,Rainfire!I found the field guide useful too!I would not of guessed the camp looked that way.
Hey Wilstar. Sorry for not replying... heh... Got The Sight. And the Feild Guide AND The Dark River! ^^ *smiles* Talk to ya later.
A small light black she-cat with dark black stripes. Has an enchanting gaze that glows like moonlit amber.
Clan: Windclan
Position: Young Warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
I absolutely love this series! I've read every single Warrior book and finished the latest book, Dark River the day I got it. I can't wait till Outcast is released!!
I keep hearing about people who are for a book between darkest hour and midnight but there is one!!! the super edition Firestars quest!!!!!!!!!! so stop asking!
Hey can anyone help me???? PLEASE
tell me how to email erin hunter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~~a blue-black she-cat with a gray star on my back---pretty~~
we were in the book store looking for a book and it wasnt there anymore but i wanted a book, so i grabbed into the wild and i started reading the rest. i was in 3rd grade. now im waiting to read dark river (savin up money.) been readin them for two good years! I loved them so much i read them two times in a day!
I think Warriors is the best series ever. I love them. I got into it by a friend and after reading for a while I could not stop. Ha ha ha ah!
i will never stop reading the warrior cats books they are way to good and i love the cats in there i always thought of calling myself wildheart or stormcloud and i love to pretend i am in the books, i know thats silly but still.
Outcast has been out for days and I stiiiiill haven't bought it! ZOMG! XDXDXD
A small, light black she-cat with dark black stripes. Has an enchanting gaze that glows like moonlit amber.
Clan: Windclan
Position: Young Warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
If I were a warriors cat I would be a white tom cat warrior named bright fire from thunder clan. any all im really trying to say is.....
hello peoples!!any1 on?
i LOVE the warriors books!!!ive read all of em!!!
Oh my StarClan!!! I keep trying to tell my cousin they exsist but the stupid boy still thinks they aren't real! Wait till he sees this!!!
hey! this is my first time commenting!call me Cloudpaw. (since im a kid!)I think warriors is the best. by the way I really need to know Erin Hunter's Email address. Does anyone know it?
I absolutely love cats and love the Warriors books. But there are a few things I've wanted to mention that I want to ask: 1) there are a lot of typos, like the names change, and 2) why in the Warriors field guide it said Tigerstar was killed by Blood, leader of BloodClan?! That's not his name!
But I do still love the series no matter what. Sometimes it makes me cry which means I get into the book a lot. NJ ( not joking)
Love the series! Keep writing!!
i made me self my own clans... my clans Moonclan. then there's forestclan, iceclan, sandclan, mountainclan... me love warriors!
i loooove the book warriors. i just can't keep my hands off of it. all thanks to my friend kenneth who told me about it. (i am still wondering what happened to gray stripe)
once i start reading,
cloudpaw:a brave white tom formely a kittypet
parents:Firestar and Princess
hey firetalon!
greystripe was stolen by twolegs
trying to rescue his fellow clanmates. he comes back with a new friend he made during his adventure to the forest.
read the manga series for more DETAILED info
by the way my name and clan from the site is
rockpath of riverclan
Wow! the warriors books are amazing. They are by far my favorite book sereis. I even have every book thats been published along with the seekeres. and the manga. These books have even inspired me to write my own stories. Warriors rock!
Wow! the warriors books are amazing. They are by far my favorite book sereis. I even have every book thats been published along with the seekeres. and the manga. These books have even inspired me to write my own stories. Warriors rock!
Ummmmm.... hi? I just finished the Warriors Power Of Three seires. I live in Alaska and i do alot of reading to pass the time. I have all the main seires on my book shelf now. I want to read Firestar's Quest and the new monga seires. Ummm... I came up with my own Warrior... Hope you like it!
Warrior Name: Willowbark
age:14 moons
rank:Young Warrior
parents:Spottedleaf and Fireheart
kin: sister-Riverrose(thunderclan)
Story: Mosskit died in a Riverclan raid. Riverclan took Willowbark(willowpaw then)prisiner. When it was time to go home to Thunderclan, she did not want to. She was made a full and loyal Riverclan Warrior. As a kit, she was raised by a queen, although she know Spottedleaf was her mother, Riverrose and Wildtail do not know.
I LOVE the warriors books. My favorite name that I came up with is Flameclaw. I use it 4 everything. Here are some other names I came up with.
Tell me what u think. Please say your favorite. By the way, I've read all tge warriors books so far and when I did warriors into the wild for a book report, it was the only book report book I've ever liked up till now. Warriors rule!!!!
Is anyone else on Eclipse? It's so AWESOME. It' s funny they don't know what a eclipse it!
omg I just found this website!I love the warriors books I was just looking to see if they were making a movie for the warriors. Just call me Whitefang!
Warriors rocks, I want to read the monga series, it looks good. I also want to read Firestars quest, I heard it was about Firestar unlocking a new clan.
Hey, emberstripe. THANKS A BUNCH! Those names you put up are absolutely great! I mean, I got so inspired by "Erin Hunter" that I decided to write a book too. It's about a cat named Cardinal he meets Icefire. Cardinal befriends Icefire. Icefire takes Cardinal to Mirrorstar, the tribe leader. Cardinal changes his name to... uh... I don't know yet but the story's really similuar. Sorry, if I copy anything in my manuscript. I can't think of anything else. Suggestions for Cardinal's new name is requested peops! See ya.
Flameclaw, love 'em all. I bet I'm going to use some or maybe all of them in the story I'm making. I got so inspired by "Erin Hunter" I decided to make a book dedicated to them. It's sorta similuar to Warriors. Anyway...
I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't believe it when I found out Crowfeather got a mate.My heart hurt enough FOR Leafpool. And I really couldn't believe it when I found out Crowfeather & his mate, Nightcloud, had a kit, Breezepaw.It was so sad.
Fallenpool: A gray and white cat with blue eyes.
Clan:LightClan (made it up on Warrior cat roleplay)
Position: Warrior (is really leader, Lightningstar on Warrior cat roleplay)
Parents:Blazeclaw and Snowblood (of course from Warrior cat roleplay)
Although I'm in 3rd grade, I LOVE WARRIORS! I also like Seekers. After reading Warriors, I started liking cats A LOT! So if you don't like cats and you read Warriors (in my opinion) I think it's sorta weird. But either way you would be persuaded to like cats after you read Warriors! (Don't I sound like a News Reporter or something?)
Icelegs here! I'm just here to alert you that I have already decided a name for Cardinal. It's Darkflame. I was also thinking... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no! I made Icefire back into Icelegs! What am I going to do! I always make these stupid mistakes... My apologies everybody but if you happen to see some (a lot) of mistakes, please forgive me. (I am so STUPID!)
I made this up COMPLETELY!
Name: Mirrortail
Gender: Female
Age: 10 moons
Clan: WindClan
Position: Apprentice
Parents: ?? and ??
Siblings: Brother(s): Darkjaw (ShadowClan) and Sharpclaw (RiverClan)
Sister(s): Moonpaw (StarClan)
I just made a new blog and it's about Warriors! Please come visit it at Thank you looking at this comment and I hope you do visit my blog!
Why does it take soooooo long to get a comment on? Sorry if I'm a little impatient!
I wish I could actually be a cat called Icelegs that has blue paws and snow-white fur. I could run like the wind and I would be part of WindClan. I would have a brother named Sharpclaw and he would be in ThunderClan and I would also have a sister named Moonpaw and she would be in RiverClan. Unfortunately, Moonpaw would die of illness and go and hunt with StarClan. Sharpclaw would have super sharp teeth and he would have unusual orange fur. Moonpaw would have a pale colored fur and blue eyes. My eyes would be a bright yellow. I LOVE WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!
I wish Erin Hunter had an email address. I understand that they would NEVER finish their books if they did. Too much emails. *sigh* If any one out there knows how to get their blog sorta popular, please tell me! I'm like, DYING to get more visitors. Anyway,
P.S. My blog is THANKS!
I saw your website Icelegs and I think it is pritty cool. I posted a comment. I LOVE WARRIORS!!!!
Warrior Name: Willowbark
Looks: a dark brown pelt with a little black spot on her face.
Eyes: Deep brown, if you look into them, you can see a trace of blue.
Age:14 moons
Rank:Young Warrior
Parents:Spottedleaf and Fireheart
Kin: sister-Riverrose(thunderclan)
Story: Mosskit died in a Riverclan raid. Riverclan took Willowbark(willowpaw then)prisiner. When it was time to go home to Thunderclan, she did not want to. She was made a full and loyal Riverclan Warrior. As a kit, she was raised by a queen, although she knew Spottedleaf was her mother, Riverrose and Wildtail do not know.
PS Anyone can use the name Riverrose, Wildtail, or Mosskit, But dont you dare use Willowbark, thats me!
Icelegs! (rebecca) Its me, Willowbark! Rebecca! any emails you sent me after i sent you your last email i did not get.
My email account is acting up and wont let me go on. please email me at until i get a new email! I hope you come on here! please! i cant log on to your blog because you need a gmail. please email me if you get this message! Here is the only place i can contact you!
The warrrior books r awesome. A couple of things; crowfeather and leafpool are jayfeather, hollyleaf, and lionblazes's parents. leafpool named jayFEATHER after crowFEATHER. Because yellowfang was punished for haveing kits, leafpool will be punished in the same way. So lionblaze will turn evil. But of course, it can't end like that, so heatherpaw will make him nice again. The 4th series will be about sol and hollyleaf's one kit. Also, the are a few cats who might have killed ashfur. Squerrelflight (i spell bad), lionblaze, or sol. Some people say hawkforst killed him, well he's dead you weirdos!. I think the 3 erin hunters want us 2 think that squerrlflight killed him. But but lionblaze could have killed him because he has to turn evil as a punishment for leafpool, and so heathertail can turn him nice again. I also think sol could have killed him beacuase he's mad at thunderclan for killing his chances for ruling shadowclan. I think i'll shut up now!!!!! BTW, I'm mistykit3!
Why give things away??????????? THX!!!! NOW I KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN SUNRISE!!!!!!! KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!!!!
I just wanted to ask if you could makea movie about warriors. Because the boks are so great!!!!
i am asking if you can make a movie about warriors becauuse i love the books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WARRIORS ROCK!!!!!!!! I wish I could be a white medicine cat named Shinigmoon.
This is Mosstalon of ShadowClan. This series is an amazing series that has my claws itching to sink into the next book.
I love your books!
They are the best books i read in my life and i've read a lot of books in my life. About 3,000 and i'm only in grade 6. From one of your biggest fans to erin hunter
Erin Hunter i have a good idea for the warriors series.
Make Ravenpaw and Barley go tothe new thunderclan territory and maybe som other cats like Smudge and Princess.
Another idea i would love too see some cats from Bloodclan cause i read the scourge comic and Bloodcan sounds cool.
Peace Erin Hunter and keep writing books they rock :)
OMG! I love the Warriors series! I'm Hawktalon, the sole surviver of Fireclan. My parents are Amberstar and Scorchheart, who are both dead from the battle with Iceclan and Earthclan(none of those clans have a survivor.) I'm a Thunderclan cat now. My mate is Lionblaze and we have five kits whose warriors names are Applefrost, Cheetahspot, Dawnheart, Moonlight, and Sagefoot. I still tell them stories of how the Thunderclan cats brought me back after I killed a Sharptooth when I was only five moons old(I'm stronger than Lionblaze!)
Hi, I'm eaglestorm. im new here and just LOVE the warrior series. Ive been desperately trying to find a chat place and i guess i found one!
I haven't read all the books to the series of Power of Three, so i was just wondering if Lionblaze ever forgives Heathertail for betraying him(or at least what Lionblaze thinks) in the book Eclipse? And did Heatertail really give away the secrets of the tunnels, or was that really the doing of one of the Windclan kits, as Heathertail says? And do Holleyleaf,Lionblaze,and Jayfeather ever find out who there true parents are? Does anyone ever find out their secret besides Ashfur? Does Thunderclan ever find out about Lionblaze secretly meeting Heathertail?
HI. I'm Scarpath and I just love the Warriors books!! By the way this is my first time!!
so is this free comment<]
so people if you are speedpainting
scourges death om he is my favrite cat
well swiftpaw what happend to him
and what happend to brighthearts eye
i like the Warrior Cat series
Hey um.... does anyone kno victoria holmes (aka one of the erin hunters) email address? im wanting to write a book about books and i want to make sure its not plagurized. :) plz thnx ♥
I love warriors my warrior name is Rockshadow of Windclan kinda wierd cause im a girl but still cool!
I'm working on my own WEBSITE AND BOOK OF WARRIORS!!!My book is basicaly when the clans die but 4 new clans come!!!!!!
Littlepebble: extremly beautiful black she-cat with gold stripes, amber eyes. no bigger than an appritence.
Parents:? Found as a kit abandoned outside the camp
im SpottedClaw medicine cat of DarkClan.i made up my own clan.
i waz TinyClaw-warrior but i changed it when i wanted 2 to a i know all the herbs.On the warriors im PotatoFang-funny name right?
Kid Rock says...
It's truly sad how people make a mockery of Warriors by posting Warriors love videos on YouTube. Warriors is more than a petty love story!!!!Look closer, and think more holistically about the books. If you do you will realize how profound and deep the themes of these books are. They have extremely political and spiritual themes, that must be handled in a sensitive and subtle manner.
Hia! Warrior cats is the best books ever! Plus I only need 2 more books till I'm finished with all of then of course more of her books will be coming,I'm so happy! And I'm nightstreak from windclan :)
iti hope Erin hunter does not kill Firestar he is my fav charater i would stop reading the books even if i love them thw warriors series would not be the warrior series with out Firestar
i hope Erin Hunter does not kill Firestar he is my fav charater i would stop reading the warriors series the warriors series would not be the warrior series with out Firestar and a lot of people agree with me I love the warriors but if Firestar dies im done.
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