Friday, September 07, 2007

Goodbye, Madeleine L'Engle

From PW: Beloved children's book author Madeleine L'Engle passed away last night at the age of 88. Her books were a big influence on me as a child. I loved A Wrinkle in Time and A Wind in the Door, (the other Time Quintet books hadn't been written yet) and I still have my copy of Dragons in the Waters with a bookplate proclaiming that I won it as a middle school reading award.

It's a sad year when we lose both Lloyd Alexander and Madeleine L'Engle in the same year.


Gina Ruiz said...

Truly, truly sad. I'm posting links to all the news and comments on AmoXcalli.

Anonymous said...

omg! Well, she did lead a wonderful life. I want to be just like her... her and JK rowling. They both wrote bestselling series, thats what i want to do too. I loved her books, its sad she died.

Unknown said...

She was truly an inspiration to us all, Snowlily. Keep writing and follow your dreams, and I hope you'll remember me when you're a bestselling author. ;-)

Unknown said...

Yeah, I saw this earlier tonight. :^( Funny... I didn't know she was still alive...

I read A Wrinkle in Time recently... and while there were some parts I didn't agree with, there were other parts that got me incredibly excited... Don't you just love it when you've tried and tried to put something about yourself into words and haven't succeeded and then somebody comes along and does it for you? :^D It was like that. I had succeeded in putting it into numbers, just not into words. Lol. Ms. L'Engle did the words for me. She was probably better at it than I am. :^)

Unknown said...

LOL, Runningflame. I understand. I guess there's a reason she won the Newbery. Even if you didn't agree with her all the time (and a lot of people didn't), she was a remarkable thinker and a great writer.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I really needed something to be sad about today too...*cries*

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, S.M.D.

Anonymous said...

The first time I heard Madeleine L'Engle speak was at the Library of Congress. She stood at the podium until she had our complete attention, then thundered, "DARE TO DISTURB THE UNIVERSE!" I sat up in my seat. And did not move the until her last word.
I read Wrinkle in Time when it first came out. I will miss her very much.

Candice Ransom

Unknown said...

That sounds great, Candice. I wish I could have seen her speak.