Several years ago, we were traveling through North Carolina and stopped at a rest area late at night. We noticed a lot of cats prowling around, and we asked about them. The caretaker of the rest area told us that there were wild cats living in the woods around the rest area. At night they came up to the rest area in search of food.
I wondered what it might be like for these cats, living wild in the forest, especially those who had been pets and had gotten lost or run away. After reading Erin Hunter's Warriors books, now I have an idea! Erin Hunter has created a vividly imagined cat society, complete with its own customs, religion, and history.
I haven't read the original Warriors books yet, but I just read the first several books in the second series, Warriors: The New Prophecy, and I found them to be enjoyable, exciting and moving. The cats are fully developed characters who experience conflict and growth, and I quickly became attached to them. I see why these books are so popular with the teens and pre-teens.
Erin Hunter is really two authors, Cherith Baldry and Kate Cary, writing under a pseudonym. We're very excited that Cherith has agreed to participate in a chat with the members of our Wands and Worlds community on December 11.
Click here for more information about the Erin Hunter chat
EDIT: This chat was a couple of years ago, but we've had a couple more chats with Erin Hunter and other authors since then. For more information about our author chats, see this page.
Please note that blogger seems to be broken, and won't display more than 200 comments, even if you click the "Newer" link. So if you commented on this post and it doesn't show up, I'm really sorry. There doesn't seem to be anything I can do.
1 – 200 of 342 Newer› Newest»I love the Warriors series.After the first book I had to have the rest of them. I've read everyone of them so far.You just get so attached to them.
They are the best series ever! Every preteen and teen should read them. If I was a Warriors cat I would be Flameclaw, warrior of Thunderclan
I think if you take the quiz again, you can get a different clan name if you don't like the one you got. You might have to change a couple of answers to get a different name.
I love the Warriors series! I have read all of the book twice, and LOVE them! Just call me Rainstorm, the lithe, agile RiverClan hunter!
I LOVE WARRIORS! the first series was 10 times better than New Prophecy, though. Graystripe is the BEST!!!!
p.s. My name and Clan from the official site is Wildstar of ThunderClan
Ripednose, your blog looks great. You're doing a good job with it. I'm halfway through Starlight now and it's really good. Keep reading!
Ripednose you dont have to have a name you dont like. What does a website know about you anyway? You should pick your own na,e.
can you read these books online???
me email
ive read all of them except starlight, wich i am 3 quarters into it, they rule! Call me Bramblestar!
If you want to know a spoiler about the Power of Three (3rd series) then read this *SPOILER*
Firestar recieves it (prophecy) in a shadowy cave from an unknown anscestor: Three will come, kin of your kin, with more power for good or evil than has ever walked the forest. It is suspected that the three are the kits of Leafpool and Crowfeather, or Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw. That is all.
What quiz did you take to get the names?
If anyone who doesn't have a name for this site you can use these if you'd like, but if not, I understand!
Does anyone else here think that the 1st series was better than the 2nd? (Oh, and even though they post me as anonymous, call me Swiftshadow.)
Again, this is Swiftshadow. I haven't been on a site for so long and it feels soooo good to post comments again! So sorry if I post a lot of comments for a while. Anyway, I was gonna say that I have five cats and a stray who sticks around and lets me pet it. I'm gonna post comments with their names on it just for the heck of it. So I'll read off their names: Toby, Little, Tallstar, Blackclaw, and Crowfeather (Trashcan). The stray I named Toffey.
dude i had no idea that there were ten books i thought there were only 6 but i love the series soo much (graystripe rules!)
ok gray stripe fangirl is too long and im lazy so call me white snow i know its not a real name but i think its kinda cool
sorry i talk so much but school got out like a month earlier than im used to (i moved) so other than reading this is what i do for fun as for reading the books r on the way by the way ripednose cool blog and cool name my stupid computer wont let me take the name quiz
me again i just bought the 6th book yesterday so far it is reaaally cool!
Hi Swiftshadow and White Snow,
You're right, they are great books. Swiftshadow, your cats sound really cool. I have three cats. And I actually like the second series a little better than the first one, but I know a lot of people miss Fire____'s point of view.
White Snow, I'm glad you're enjoying the 6th book. It's actually my favorite in the first series.
If you guys want to chat more about the Warriors series, you might want to come to our community site at We have some Warriors fans on the site who love to talk about the books. It costs $5 to join but that is for a whole year, and will give you access to any author chats we set up as well as the ability to post on the site.
Hi there! I just decided to join in cos I too love the warrior books.
You can call me Emberflower, the glowing red she-cat with the bright green eyes.
I generally talk about warriors on but I decided to look for a couple of other places too.
My fave character is Spottedleaf and I've only read the first series (the second is hard to find but I'm working on it) but they are still my fave book series and I wish I owned my own cat!
yeah emberflower i agree i also wish i had my own cat!!!!!!
too bad n had to go to bed she woulda been great to talk to good thing tomarrow is her last day of school
What is the URL for the site of the place to get your warrior name?
It's Click on the "Games" button.
I went on that too. It's really good. It has all the books on it. I've read most of them and I usually get them off, which is great for finding the books, and I prefer amazon to bookstores (which barely ever have the books in)
hey. i just finished the darkest hour the other day. OMG I LOVED IT! but it was saddd. :-( i reeeeeally hope theres a 7th book made of the first series, it would be cool to know what happened between the darkest hour and midnight!
i have a tortishell cat. her name is sabrina but i call her tigerstorm! :-D
(bluestar rules!!)
There is going to be a solo book set between the two series. It will tell what happened with Firestar after the battle with BloodClan. It's supposed to come out next year, and right now it's being called Firestar's Quest.
The members of our community will have the opportunity to chat with Erin Hunter in August. You can read about it here:
Can someone tell me where they find the warrior name quiz? I really want to take it because I want to find which name I would have.
I've read al the books so far and some of them three to four times =) i could read one of them in a day i can't help it i get so caught up in them that i feel like i'm actually in the book i can't wait for twilight and sunset plus the book that tells us about what firestar did between the last book of the first series and midnight...Erin Hunter is my idol!
Holy Moly I love the warriors series. i had no idea that there was a third book prophecy. Oh i went on the official website and my name is Icestar!!! {feathertail rules)
i love the warriors series it rocks i own every book that is out i cant wait for all of the rest to come out i wish there could be movies based on the books!!!!:)
Sandstar, they are making a movie. it has real cats. the first one is a combination of Into the Wild, Fire and Ice, and Forest of Secretes.
Actually, Icefire, that rumor is definitely NOT true. There is currently NO movie or even a deal for a movie. In the chat with Wands and Worlds members, Vicky Holmes, the series creator and editor, clearly said that there are currently no plans for a movie, although they have had discussions with several movie studios. The problem is apparently trying to find a good way to do the movie. She said that they don't want to do an animated movie, because traditionally animated movies tend to be less serious like Shrek, and wouldn't work for the serious subject matter in the Warriors books. She said that Anime is a possibility, but that it isn't mainstream enough yet. So we'll have to wait a while longer. Sorry!
I hope they use Anime for the movie! It would own. But it would kind of suck because ppl would say like it's so dumb and boring with just cats(Obviously from ppl who never read the book).
theres going to be a movie?
NO! There are currently NO plans for a movie. See my comment above. They don't want to do a movie until it can be done right.
i love the series i have four cats.there names are Whitestorm,cloudtail,ravenpaw and sandstorm.and the kittens names are
Bramblekit,tawnykit,snowkit,and frostfur!I love the books so much!!
Is any one still here I love warriors my favoriete cat is Squailflight. I don't think I spelled here name right.
Whoah. So there really IS going to be a third series? OMh, I am SO excited! I thought it would all be over after the New Prophecy, and I was so sad! By the way, I'm Hawkshadow of Thunderclan.
hi ive only read the first 3 books and so an someone please tell me if greystripe joins thunderclan again
i am EXTREMELY mad that he left
I won't tell you that, because it would be a spoiler, but keep reading! I will say there is lots that happens with Greystripe, and all the others, too! The books just keep getting better, so keep reading!
THere's a 3rd series?
Yes, there will be a 3rd series. It's called The Power of Three. There will also be a stand-alone book called Firestar's Quest. You can read more about it at the 2nd Erin Hunter author chat transcript:
Hi! my computer won't let me take the naming quiz but when I used to use the library computers I think my name was Leopardclaw of RiverClan when I took the quiz so you can call that Leopardclaw even though it says my name is Anonymous. I LOVE THESE BOOKS! THEY ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD! I just finished reading Midnight but I wish that it was still from Firestar's point of view because I found it was really hard to adjust to the other cat's point of view. I can't find the books so I borrowed them off a friend and she says she'll kill me if they don't stay in perfect condition! Spottedleaf was my favourite character and I think it was really rotten of the authors to kill her off, but maybe it's for the best.
See Yahs!
I love these books!!! when i was in 5 grade, i was in the library and was about to leave cuz i couildnt find a good book to read. i was walking by when i saw the 1st Into the Wild book laying on top of the books. i checked the # of pgs. and there were more than 200. I took it, and was surprised how quickly i read it! It took me a week. Im in 8th right now and i told everyone about these books. My cousin, my sis, and friends and theyre all reading them! so thats my story. yesterday i bought the 5 New prophecy book....
I love the Warriors books evern though im only on the thind one i cant wait till I get to bokks The New Prophecy. I can not set this book down ever!
these bokks are awsome! im only on #3 but the are was amasing to me when Brokenstar set up the trap in the 2nd book that was cool. I cant stop reading them.=D
I was surpised when Graystripe fell in love with a Riverclan she-cat, Silverstream. He was breaking the warrior code! Also when Greystripe and Fireheart faught, that was amazing. they've been friends fo so long.But in the last page i was pleased. Brighnose of Shadowclan
the worrior book series is so good i sometimes forget whats reality and wats not wen im playing with my cat.
by the way my cats name is firefur
firefur again i thaught id say wat happened with me.two years ago u wouldnt catch me reading unless i was forced to. now i cant starting on the fifth book far every tim i finish one it seems to happen at 1 o clock in the morning.
Is there a RPG game on here? I've been looking inline for HOURS!!!!
dear Erin Hunter,
Ilove your book and I thought that
you should make a movie out of it.
Because since you have 65 comments
that people would want to see it
Your Fan
John baker
DEAR Erin Hunter
I wish there would be a MOOVIE
Please take thought to this.
dear Erin Hunter
Dear Erin Hunter
I hope you can make A 3rd series because I CANT STOP READING
Hi John,
I don't know if Erin Hunter reads this blog or not. When they came to our site for a chat, they said that they would love to see a movie made of Warriors, but that they want to wait until they know it can be done right. They don't want a bad movie. Read the chat transcript to find out more.
There will be a third series, called Power of Three. The first book, called The Sight, is due out in April. Click here to see the first book in the 3rd Warriors series on
the warriors series ROCKS!!! i have read every single published book at least 3 times. i cant wait for the Power of Three, Book 1 The Sight to come out some time in late April or early May. In an 11 year old girls oppinion, sunset was the best New Prophecy book.
hey i absolutely love the warriors series but i've only read series 1 and midnight because i cannot find the others anywhere!!! my favourite book would have to be fire and ice or a dangerous path. my favourite character is longtail or feathertail. i have 1 cat called fidget, aka silverkit. call me dawnstar
I love the entire series! I can't wait for the thrid to come out. When is it? MAy, or April. Either way, keep them coming!
Hey! I've read every book and they're all great! I hope Graystripe comes back though, he was one of my favorties. And what's up wiht Cinderkit? I can't wait to see how that turns out!
hey its dawnstar i know that they are not making a movie yet, but i just have to say it would be awesome if they did because warriors rock!!! by the way, whoever last posted a comment, if you have read every book why don't you know how cinderkit turns out???
I think they are talking about Sunset, but don't say any more because we don't want to give anything away for people who haven't read it yet!
Warriors rule! I would die and join StarClan if they disappeared from my bookshelf! I have read them all, and I'm so impatient for the Power of Three, the third addition to the Warriors series. I own the originals and The New Prophecy ones. Yahoo for Squirrelflight and Leafpool! Hooray for Firestar and Sandstorm! I love that family!
If I could be a Warrior, then I would be Moonflower, a beautiful black she-cat queen, with angelic pale blue eyes. I would have three kits, a tom and two she-cats. The tom would be a brown tabby named
Stripedkit. One of the she-cats, a tortoiseshell with green eyes, would be called Fernkit. And the other kit would look exactly like Moonflower, except have amber eyes. Her name would be Amberkit.
Boo Tigerclaw!!!! Boo Tigerclaw!!!! These books are so good, I read 'Into the Wild' in three hours! I don't put these books down until I have finished them, and I've read each at least three times, and I got them all for Christmas! I LOVE THEM! Erin Hunter is a genius! I want to send her a letter!
My husband got me the first Warriors series books 1-3 for Christmas. They came in a little box. I didn't realize there were so many. I want them all. I would like to read them all in order. Could anyone tell me the correct order? I think Warriors 1-6 and then New Prophecy 1-6. But I also found are Fire and Ice, Warriors Field Duide and Warriors: Power of Three, Forest of Secrets on line at Amazon. Where do they fit in?
Hi Sashaheart,
You are right that Warriors 1-6 come first and then the New Prophecy 1-6. Fire and Ice is actually #2 in the first series and Forest of Secrets is #3; I'm not sure why Amazon didn't label it that way.
The Field Guide: Secrets of the Clans is a stand alone book that gives background information about the clans and such; it's not a novel, as I understand it, but a reference work. It's due out in June. The Power of Three is the third Warriors series and comes after Warriors and Warriors: The New Prophecy. The first book in the Power of Three is called The Sight, and it's due out in April.
There is also a Manga series starting in May; the first book in that is called The Lost Warrior. And there will be a standalone novel called Firestar's Quest which will take place between the first and second series.
You can see all the books in the first two series in order in our directory:
Warriors: The New Prophecy
Warriors: The Power of Three
Warriors Manga
OH-MY-GOD I Love these books sooooooo much UGH i could marry veach one no i'm not crazy JUST INLOVE I always get every book on pre order the second there avalable i have erin hunter on auther tracker lol and iv'e read every book i just got the first book in the power of threee sereis on pre order and I CAN't WAIT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
i wish i could think up such great ideas and characters as the warriors series. i wonder where the original idea came from? wherever it did, i hope the great ideas and characters keep coming! *dawnstar* by the way i would be a longhaired silver tabby riverclan warrior with pale blue eyes
Hi My name is whitefoot I am the thunder clan deputy.
Do you know how to contact Erin Hunter????????????????????????
I love worriors. any idea how to contact erin hunter.
Most authors, especially popular ones, keep their contact information private. The best way to contact an author is through the publisher. For Erin Hunter, you can write to:
Author Erin Hunter
HarperCollins Children’s Books
1350 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, NY 10019-4703
Hey, Tawnyleaf here i luv luv luv the warrriors series and i can't wait for The Sight to come out, i hav a cat named Tigger, he's a tabby, but i call him Tigerfur hes so cool and hunts mice all the time(but dont worry hes not ambitious).I hope anyone who reads this gets the first book but beware u will get attached easily and you will want to get the next book as soon as u finish one and there are some unexpected twists but you will get used to it and i hope everyone likes these books as much as i do and im sorry this was so long but i has a ton to say anyway Tawnyleaf out.:)
hey me again i also wanted to say that i wanted to know if anyone has insight on the book that is about firestar's journey before bramblepaw became brambleclaw so if u do plz tell me please and thank you.
Hi Tawnyleaf,
The book you are looking for is called Firestar's Quest, but I haven't seen a release date for it yet.
The Warriors series is a very compelxe and well devoloped world. I've read every book and can't wait for Power of Three! Each book hooked me, and to think, when a friend of mine told me to read them, I didn't think I'd like them!!!
the warrior cats rule!!!ive read the entire series more than 8 favorite book is sunset because squirrelflight and brambleclaw get back together.i love it.....
if you can recomeng websites on here*i know some that cant*google cornelia funke and click on the world of cornelia funke.go to guestbook.i sign something on there everyday*almost*as arya.theres good book recomendations on there.if you have no idea who cornelia funke is shes the author who wrote the inkheart troligy,the thief lord,and dragon rider.there realy good books.if you havnt read them you should. BY PEOPLE! >^_^<
***shadowpelt from thunderclan***
I love the Warriors. Every time I open the Warriors site i hope to see a new book!
I'd love to be a cat in the Warriors books. It'd be really fun. I'd want to be either Bramblefur or Nightclaw of Thunderclan.
i am Hollynose and i am in LOVE with the warrior series! OMG they are so awesome! im waiting for the third series i just finished sunset today. the ending was perfect!
anyone want to gimme a couple spoilers for the power of three?
i love warriors SOOOOO much it is the best ever! i have a cat, laurel, (laurelpelt) nd when ever i pictured princess, laurel was what i saw! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
i love the ending to sunset what happened to hawkfrost *mwahahaha*
what do you think? i am Hollynose of thunderClan i am a toriseshell
with white around my nose and shocking hazel eyes!!
I love the Warriors series ssssoooo much. I have just finished Sunset and I am so excited about the 3rd series I thought that sunset was the last one, I was so sad.
Does anyone know any good warriors websites?
Forestpelt here! I'm going to get a wandsandworlds account! Oh my gosh can't wait until the 3rd web chat!!!
hey wildstar here i luv the series all u fans out there have 2 visit always imagine myself white like Whitestorm but w/blue paws like Bluestar and w/bright green eyes.i cant wait for The Power of Three to come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wildstar again GRAYSTRIPE IS ALIVE!!!!!!!go 2 wikapedia and search warriors and scroll down
erin hunter is 2 people
i am from Thunderclan and all u people ROCK!i have 3 kitties named cuddles,rose,and harv.cuddles is Graystorm,rose is Shadowedpelt,and harv (the youngest) is Amberpaw.
Wildstar here if u dont have a warriors name u can use 1 of these if u like.
I always had been fond of cats. I love this series very much and ending Sunset made me very, very anxious for The Power of Three.
i'w/u Crystalheart
I love the Warriors series, it's sorta funny because first my friend from school showed me them and we were both in love with them, now i got my other friend to read it, and hopefully she'll get someone else to read them. :) im on The Sight, as soon as it comes out...
I really enjoyed ready the first and second series! I cant wait untill the third seried comes out on april 24th! I hope graystripe comes back!!!
i love the series. its my absolute favorite...but has anyone noticed that in MOONRISE that Sorrelpaw, who was given the warrior name Sorreltail in MIDNIGHT (She was Sandstorms apprentice) is listed as an apprentice in MOONRISE although in the book before she was given her warrior name. Does anyone know how to contact Erin Hunter or the publisher so that i can tell them about it?
I love the warroirs books. i just finished Sunset and am waiting till i get enough money to buy the first of the Power of Three series. When i did that test I got Icestorm of Windclan xD. I like that. does anyone know how I could get intough with Erin Hunter? (either person) I would like to send some of my writing to them to see what they think. email me at thanks ^^. And if anyone wants to read some of my stuuf then just email me and ask I'll be happy to send some to you ^^.
I like Icestorm, too. That's a great name.
If you'd like to talk with Erin Hunter, you can join Wands and Worlds and come to our chat with all three of the people behind Erin Hunter. Here's the details:
Unfortunately, though, I don't think they will be able to look at your writing. They're pretty swamped, and if they took the time to read all the fans' writing, they wouldn't have time to write any more Warriors books - and we wouldn't want that, would we? I wish you luck with your writing, though!
Wildstar here,I can't wait for the Warriors manga series 2 come out,it's all about Graystripe.
These book r sooooo boss!!!!! Like, I have dreams about them, I can't consintrate in school because of them, my friends and I play warriors at recess, and I just can't get enough of them!!!!! My fave cat is Crowfeather, and Cinderpelt,(Until she died) so now I think that I'll like Cinderkit!!! I've read Sunset, and I can't WAIT for the new books to come out! I have to say, I'm most excited for The Sight!!! Oh! By the way, I'm new here, so, HI!!!
Emberstripe - A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with light amber eyes.
does anybody know Erin Hunter's email address or contact information? I just wanted to email her about how i thought she should have continued the second series from Firestar's point of view. I like how there are new characters and stuff, but i dont like how theyre from brambleclaw's view. i like firestars point of view much better and im not as conected with brambleclaw as i was with firestar. it was too much of a surprise and sudden switch of views that i dont know if its gonna be the same for me. i hope it doenst ruin the books. im sure theyre all be pretty good, but still...
F O R E V E R!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HI!! It's Emberstripe again! Who like the name Emberstripe? I love it! Sometimes, I feel as if I'm being watched... I believe in Starclan so... could it really be a starclan warrior?!? WOW! Well, It's nice talkin' to other warriors fans! I got my friend Drew to start reading them too! He like em'... but then again... WHO DOESN'T?!?
A beautiful but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynz) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Wildstar here,waz up?i think Whitepaw should be Whitecloud,Whiteflower,or Whitefeather.
white with blue paws and bright green eyes.
parents:Whitestorm and Frostfur
I`m on the 5th book. I finished the 4th book in three days!!! I`m only 10. I love those books!!!
Hello Everyone!!!!!!!!!! How r u?
Wildstar, i think Whitepaw should be Whitefeather too! The name suits her because she's so delicate. Wanna know a cool warrior name? "Shootingstar", for a leader of course!!! ...But I don't know what her warrior name would've been......
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Rank:Young Warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Umm.... why don't much people like Crowfeather? I LOOOOVE Crowfeather! My friends say i'm like him!!! And, i'm proud of it! Who here like TMNT?(the show and new movie.) I'm a she-cat, and I love the ninja turtle show, and I'm like, addicted to the movie! ... and the warrior cats!!! What's everyone's favourite warrior book? I like the darkest hour and sunset!! Wow... this is fuuun!!!!!!
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
cool,just wait until you read the 6th book,it's SOO sad,but I won't give anything away.You just HAVE to read it,it's SOO good.
white she-cat with blue paws and bright green eyes,leader of Thunderclan.
Sheila,YOU ROCK!!!!I can't WAIT until i can join
oh,and i can't WAIT for the sight.
white she-cat with blue paws and bright green eyes,leader of Thunderclan.
Hi Emberstripe,
Actually, I love Crowfeather. He's one of my favorite characters. I didn't like him at first but he really grew on me during the journey. I cried when he took his warrior name because of what it represents.
Thanks, Wildstar [[blush]] I hope to see you there.
Wow Sheila!!! Nobody ever responded to my comments!! YAY!!! I like knowing that you like Crowfeather! I've also always had a thing for Squirrelflight!!:) Um... may be able to answer this question... is Emberstripe a real warrior name? 'Cause Kate, Vicky and Cherith said that they would never use names that start with moon, sun or star.. and stuff... would Ember ever be at the beginning of a name? ... I know.. that didn't make much sense... :S I confused myself!!!!!!!!! haha
A beautiful but unusual black striped tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Rank:Young Warrior
Parents:Crowfeather and Leafpool
I don't see any problem with Emberstripe as a name. The clan cats are certainly familiar with fire, and embers are a kind of fire. And it's not special like sun, moon, and stars, so I think it would be fine. Of course, in the end it would be up to Vicky.
Sheila Ruth
Emberstripe, Wildstar, join! Wands and Worlds is really fun! :^D
Thanks, Runningflame!
If you join before May 12, you can come to the next Erin Hunter chat! Go to to get started.
An unusual but beautiful black striped tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Rank: Young Warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Yay! That's awesome, Emberstripe! I'll see you over there!
:( :( :( :( TO GET ON, WE HAVE TO GET A PAYPL ACCOUNT, AND MY DAD DOESN'T WANNA!!!!!:( WHY do u have to get a paypal acount?!?
A very sad and angry striped black tabby she-cat of Windclan
Don't worry, Emberstripe. If you go to this page:
there is a form you can download, print out, and mail to me with the $5 membership fee.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience! Paypal allows me to take credit cards, which I couldn't otherwise, but if your parents don't want to use it, you can mail in the form.
ok... thanks Sheila! I'll just print it... how long'll it take before u get the money though?????
A now, happy black tabby she-cat:P
I should get it within a couple of days from when you mail it, unless you are outside the United States, or in some really remote rural area. I promise I'll upgrade you as soon as I get it.
I may send it tomorrow, or the next day...... oh well... the sooner, the better.... oh yeah... I'm in Canada!!:P
If you are in Canada, it may take a little longer, but it shouldn't be too long. If you put an email address on the form, I'll email you and let you know as soon as I get it and upgrade you.
thanx Sheila! You've been a HUGE help!!!!! :)
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
My pleasure, Emberstripe. I'll keep my eyes open for your registration form.
hehe... It was my birthday yesterday!!!! :P :) :D I'M 11!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Happy birthday, Emberstripe!
Thanx Sheila!!!!!!! your a nice person.:)
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Awww, thanks Emberstripe!
HEYY PEEPS! What's goin' on? Well, MY BRACES RE KILLING ME!!! I GOT THEM TIGHTENED TODAY!! :( I wish I were a warrior... NO BRACES! And, the warrior cat life sounds gooood! I think it would be TOTALY LIFE THREATENING, but fun!! :)
An unusual but beautiful black striped tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Rank: Young Warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
i agree w/u Emberstripe.i can't wait until The Sight,the clan field guide,Firestar's Quest,and The Lost Warrior Manga Series come out.
white she-cat with blue paws and bright green eyes
parents:Whitestorm and Frostfur
Wildstar, of corse u agree with me! :) Sheila must be the coolest person ever! (Or at least the coolest adult:P hehe) well, that's it, and zi must be goin, but hey dudes, even though I might not be here for the rest of the night, keep the peace;).
An unusual but beautiful black striped tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Rank: Young Warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Thanks, Emberstripe! That's nice of you to say.
Well, Sheila, I am well know for givin' out compiments....... givin' out compliments, and havin' a temper!! :P :) And I don't usualy give out compliments, and actualy mean it, but I totaly meant what I just said about u!
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Thanks. I'll try to avoid your temper! ;-)
lol! Ok! You do that!!!!! :P
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
I LOVE WARRIORS!!!!!!! Although I just started MIDNIGHT I'm CRAZY about them! Yes,I've heard of the third series:The Power of Three, which sounds really cool.
Hello "Anonymus"! What would you like your warrior name to be? If you don't know, here's some ideas: "Rainbowstar" "Swiftriver" "Littlestorm' "Wildstorm" "Wildfire" "Whitewing" "Ravenfeather" "Orangeflame" and if u don't like any of these names, tell me and I'll tell u some more! ;) That way, I won't have to call u "Anonymus" :P...
Ok dudes..... that's all I have to say....but, hey, PEACE DUDES! (and dudettes)
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Hi! my name's Wildstar.The one who just started Midnight.Have you heard of that one book,The Lost Warrior? I want it.
:O :( GUESS WHAT?!? I JUST FOUND OUT THAT MY MOM HASN'T EVEN SENT THE MONEY AND THE FORM YET!!! :O I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! ... do u think I'll be a real member before the Erin hunter chat?!? *sighs*
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
P.S. Hi Wildsatar! I'm real excited about the new books! Although i really wanna read the lost warrior, I think I wanna read the sight a tiny bit more!!! So, wanna be friends?
Hi Emberstripe,
I'm sorry that your mom hasn't sent it yet. Don't worry, if she sends it soon, it should get here in time for the Erin Hunter chat.
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
P.S. How do u get The 3 people who are Erin Hunter to come to the chat?
Shoure Emberstripe,we can be frinds.
Hi.It's Wildstar agan.Emberstripe I want to read "The Lost Warrior" too.Hey,did you hear it's a comic book?
Hey Wildstar! Yeah, i heard it's a comic book... that's a bit weird. Wanna know what else is weird? My friend knew it was "comic book styled" just because it was called a "manga" :S ... Graystripe looks weird :) ... oh, and Wildstar, now that we're friends, I must warn you, don't get on my nerves... if u ever watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, i'm alot like Raph.(the 1 with the red mask)
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
i love these books sooooo much! I am about to read sunset. but I hate how Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight are fighting. They made such a good couple. She shouldn't be made at him just because he wants to get to know Hawkfrost. If he were my brother I would want to get to know him to! But if I were a warrior I would want to be called NightHawk of ThunderClan. My fur would look like a white pelt with black stripes.
If I were a cat my name would be NightHawk. I would have a white pelt with unusaly black stripes. With amber colored eyes.My parents would be BrambleClaw and SquirrelFlight.
hehe... Nighthawk's a cool name. I hate how they were fighting too! Like, I don't trust Hawkfrost either, but he's Brambleclaw's brother, and it's not like Brambleclaw can choose his brothers. Like, Squirrelflight should look like it this way: If Leafpool lived in a different clan, wouldn't Squirrelflight wanna see her sometimes?
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Wildstar again.Emberstripe,what book are you on? P.S. I like crowfether!
Hey Wildstar! I just finished Sunset actualy! :P Yeah, i'm waiting for the new books now!!! :)
... Waiting is depressing... :( :P
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Your right,Emberstripe waiting is depressing.(When your waiting for Warriors books)!
lol... wow. I was starting to think u werem't gonna reply! It was taking u a while!!! Oh well! Ok... nice talking to ya! BYEE!
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Ok. it's been a looong time since I've read this book, so I don't know why I'm asking this question now, BUT at the end of Twilight, how come ********** had to die?!? THAT CAT, WAS LIKE, MY FAVE CHARACTER SINCE THE BOOK "Forest of Secrets"!!!!!!!! :(
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
OMG! MY PARENTS R SOOOO ANNOYING!! THEY HAVE NOT MAILED MY FORM YET!!!!!!! UGH!!! THIS IS NOT FAIR! *sighs* ... Sometimes, I don't understand my parents... :(
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
I'm sorry, Emberstripe!
hey yall! i luv the warrior cat books! i hav the new book, "Power of three, the sight", and im reading it really slow, so wen im finished, the next book will b out!
Discription- pretty white she-cat with blue eyes
clan- thunderclan
rank- stong warrior
parents- leafpool & crowfeather
i love the serious. it is like a endless adnture. it is so good i will read the serious over and over again and it will never git boring. i always talk about it and two people started reading and i write a report about this book and i got some of thier interest about it. but to tell you the truth someone used to read book 1 thats all she to read. then i saw it at the stored and buied the hole first serious with my birthday money(200 dollars)
Dawnfeather- I guess if "your parents" are Crowfeather and Leafpool, we'd be sisters! (Emberstripe's parents r Crowfeather and Leafpool too!!:) That's cool.
Sheila- It's ok.... I'll survive... I hope! :(
Leafkit- Hehe.... I did a book report on 1 of the warriors books too!!! hehe
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Ummmmm.... dudes? (and dudetes:) How do u get a blogger account? (like some of u have)
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Ok everyone! I have some sad news. Well, first, happy news! Umm... I don't want my warrior name to be Emberstripe anymore, so I'm her sister, Dawnfeather!
Little Sandy colored tabby she-cat with amber eyes, and fur on her ear tips like a lynx.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Young warrior
Parents: Crowfeather & Leafpool
P.S. check out my blog site:
Umm... Do any of you know how to make videos like the ones on youTube? like the ones with music, and cool editing? If anyone knows, PLEASE TELL ME! I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!! PLEEEAAASE!?!? (oh, and I know this isn't warriors realted, but I figured that at least 1 of u may know;)
Hi there fellow warriors! I'm Swiftpelt and I think that the Warriors are the BEST!! When I read the first one I knew I had to read the rest. My favourite book so far is The Sight and I can't wait for the field guide to come out. Apparently it has drawings of the cats and maps of the forest, it sounds so good! Also I think there should be a Warriors movie. Why won't they make one?
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: New Warrior (Apprentice duties are boring aren't they? I'm glad I don't have to do them anymore!)
Kits: None so far
My fav cats have got to be Leafpool, Sandstorm, Crowfeather and Graystripe. If I were one of the warriors I would be Leafpool or maybe Hollypaw.
From Swiftpelt
Has anyone read The Lost Warrior? I have and I think it's quite good.
Here are some warrior names:
Hope you like them!
Hey everyone pleeeaase check out my warriors blog!!
Little Sandy colored tabby she-cat with amber eyes, and fur on her ear tips like a lynx.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Young warrior
Parents: Crowfeather & Leafpool
nice names Swiftpelt!
Hi peeps!Sorry I haven't been on for awhile.My computer broke.I'm on Dawn,though.
Tortiseshell Tom with Amber eyes
clan; thundreclan
Parents;squrrielflight and brambleclaw
hey everyone. im new here, and i was wondering if yall know anything about contacting Erin Hunter. Im writing a book myself that has some references to the Warriors series and wanted to check in with her to see if thats ok.
Hi anonymous!To contact Erin Hunter do her adress: Author Erin Hunter
Harper Collins Children's Books
1350 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019-4703
Hi everyone, it’s Swiftpelt here.
Hey wildstar. Who is your fav cat in warriors?
Hey anonymous, if you need any names, I gave some before. Here they are:
If you don’t like them go on to then go to games and go to the name game.
I’m doing a school project on warriors. Meow!
Does anyone have the field guide yet?
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Warrior
Kits: None so far
see you later
from swiftpelt
P.S. Hey, what's everyone's fav book? Mine is The Darkest Hour.
P.P.S. Your blog is cool, Dawnfeather (Emberstripe)!
thanks, but I accidently deleted it!!!!!! :P :(
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
i love your bookes they rrock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Swiftpelt here again.
Hey Fireclaw, which book's your favourite?
I love your name!
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Rank: Warrior
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
>^_^< >^_^< >^_^< >^_^< >^_^< meow!
Hi Swiftpelt!I'd say Bluestar.
Hey, that's cool! :) I like Sandstorm, Leafpool and Hawkfrost because he's evil!
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Rank: Warrior
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
I've always liked Cinderpelt, Crowfeather, TIGERSTAR(hehe), and Redtail for some reason!:S
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
P.S. Some of u may have noticed I'm back to Emberstripe... changing my name was wayy too confusing!!:P
My little cousin first started reading the Warriors Saga on January 11, 2007. I was Furios that I didnt have them so I bought as many as I could. So far I am on the third book of the new Prophecy... AND THEY ROCK! I can't wait to read the new up-coming series! I love all three creators!
OMG! A Movie would Be the Best (well 1 of the best) things that I could think of besides a whole new series! I feel terrible about what happened In 'A Dangerous Path' Poor Bluestar... :'( It's like Tigerstar tore her Beautiful, Loving, and Strong heart to nothing but the dead trail of Rabbits!
My fave cat was always Cinderpelt, but I also like Jaypaw, Crowfeather, Squirrelflight, and Dustpelt!
P.S. I cried when C********* died!!!!! Iput stars 'cause some people probably haven't read Twilight yet!!!
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Hi, it's swiftpelt again.
I agree with you Emberstripe, I liked that cat too. *sniff*
What's your favourite warriors book Emberstripe?
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Warrior
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
My friends are called Hawkpelt, Icestorm, Mudpelt, Icestar, Brambleshadow and Mousestar! They all like their names! :)
P.S. Crowfeather ROCKS!!!!!
Hey Swiftpelt,
My fave warriors book is either "TheSight" "Midnight" "Dawn" "A Dangerous Path" or "The Darkest Hour"
The book I liked the least was "Rising Storm"...
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
*The Sight lol... spelling mistake!!
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Hey! I've got a random list of warriors names! If u like 'em and want to use them somewhere, it would be nice if u said i made them up!:P Here they are:
Silverpelt (heheh)
Emberstripe (lol)
I have alot more, but that's all for today! tell me which one u like the best!!!
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
I LOVE warriors to DEATH. It's the greatest series I've ever had the pleasure, as a 12 year old goin' on 13, to read. But I don't like the attitude changes in most of the cats in: Power of Three. WHAT is going on? Crowfeather suddenly loves another she-cat, and has a kit, which is such a snotty little brat. Nightcloud's a pain in the neck too; she won't even TALK to poor Leafpool. Squirrelflight lost her attitude with everybody; that made me sad. :( Ashfur has dropped his anger issues with Brambleclaw too soon, and is some old wise guy now. Spiderleg now has a problem with everybody, which he didn't in the books before. I just think that some old characters deserve their old attitudes back. It would make the books better. Although most people hate Jaypaw, I think he rocks!!!!!!!!! He's awesome, and I understand him, even if I'm not blind. No one in the book understands how he feels, no one. Poor Jaypaw.
~Rion from
P.S. Try my site; it's about TigerClan, LionClan, LeopardClan, and even a CougarClan.
HI!!!! Although my name says Dragonflight, it's Emberstripe here.:) Check out the site I'm working on! I'm proud of it so far!
Nice job on your site, Emberstripe!
Hi Emberstripe!How ya doin'?I'm on starlight now!
Swiftpelt here
love your site emberstripe! Great names too, my fav ones are Firefly, Ravenwing, Wildstorm and Emberstripe! :) Why do you not like Rising Storm that much?
Hey rion,
OMG I so agree with you!!! It's so confusing how the cats suddenly change! It's like their old selves never existed! I don't understand how Crowfeather can get over Leafpool.
There are some great graphics and other stuff at:
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
I don't think that Crowfeather is "over" Leafpool. I think he still loves her very much, and is also angry with her that she didn't stay with him. But I think he had to move on and take another mate. Once Leafpool left him, he couldn't put his life on hold forever.
yeah, I see what you mean. I feel sorry for Crowfeather. He's had a hard life, losing Feathertail and then being forced to leave Leafpool.
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Name: Amberheart
Description: Beautiful elegant dark orange tabby with dark red-orange stripes with golden emerald eyes.
Parents: Fireheart and Sandstorm
Place: respected young warrior
Hi,I love the warriors series and have read the fist series in six grade and the second in seventh and i have been looking for a website to talk about warriors forever.
Name: Amberheart
Description: a beautiful elegant orange tabby with dark red-orange stripes with golden emerald eyes.
Place:Thunderclan, young warrior(like Fireheart)
Parents: Firehart and Sandstorm
thanks for the site compliments! I'm proud of it!
Swiftpelt- I don't know why I don't like Risingstorm that much... I just didn't enjoy it that much. :|
WILDSTAR- I'm fine, how r u? I should be on "Secrets of the Clans" right now, but my parents won't buy it!!! :(
A beautiful, but unusual striped black tabby she-cat with fur on the tips of her ears(like a lynx) and light amber eyes.
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Yound warrior
Parents: Crowfeather and Leafpool
Swiftpelt here
What's your favourite warriors book so far Amberheart?
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Emberstripe - you heard of Firestar's quest? I am waiting for it to arrive, it comes out in August. Secrets of the Clans is really good!
Wildstar - I just noticed we have the same 'parents' - Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw!
26 days until Firestar's Quest!
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
i love the warriors books and don't ever want them to stop. but in the new prophecy the sight i was upset because crowfeather wasn't with leafpool. i was hoping they would be together but i still love the books i cant put them down
I agree with you, Mossahadow!
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
Hey, My name is Moonlight deputy of thunderclan. I love the warrior books and i am 16. I did not like The Sight though, Jaypaw has to much ambtion just like his grandfather Tigerstar.
love your name Moonlight!
Who is your favorite warrior cat so far?
Swiftpelt: A very fast black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes.
Clan: ThunderClan
Position: Deputy
Parents: Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw
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