Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Cybils Fantasy and Science Fiction Committees

We finally have a full roster for the Cybils Awards nominating and judging categories in the fantasy and science fiction categories. Yea! I'm really excited that we have some great people on the committees. Here's the complete committee list:


Sheila Ruth, Wands and Worlds

Michele, Scholar's Blog

Gail Gauthier, Original Content

Erin, Miss Erin

Kim Baccellia, kbaccellia


J.L. Bell, Oz and Ends

Fairrosa, Fairrosa's Reading Journal

Sarah Beth Durst, Sarah's Journal

Greg Fishbone, Greg R. Fishbone

Cassie Richoux, Bookwyrm Chyrsalis

Publishers who would like to submit review copies can request the addresses of the nominating committee members from me at

What's that you say? You haven't nominated a book yet? Well hurry on over and read the rules then nominate your favorite book! One nomination per person per category, please, and duplicate nominations don't help a book (it's not a popularity contest) so check first to see if your book has already been nominated. Nominations are open until November 20, and anyone can nominate, even the author or publisher of the book.

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