We finished reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows last night. I'm not going to review it or say much about it, because I know that people are still reading it, but I do want to say that it was, in many ways, even better than I thought it would be. It was certainly different than I expected, but overall better, and I am totally in awe of Rowling's skill at plotting. She's an amazing writer, and I'm sad that it's over.
I'm saving all my specific comments for the discussion group in August/September at the
Scholar's Blog Spoiler Zone. I hope that you'll all join the discussion; I have a lot to say, and I'm looking forward to reading everyone else's comments, too!
I'm going to need a bigger boat...
Er, sorry, page ! ;-D
(Funny how I know that quote yet I've never seen Jaws !)
Same here! I've never seen Jaws, having no interest in watching people get eaten by sharks, but I know the line well.
Thanks for not spilling the beans as far as book seven goes. I'm way behind.
No problem, Greg. I tried very hard not to accidentally encounter any spoilers before I finished it, so I wouldn't want to ruin it for anyone else.
Of course, there is something funny about the idea of a week after the release being "way behind."
I was gently teasing a friend on Friday as he's not finished it yet - I said, when he said he was currently reading it "Still?" and he said, "We mere mortals don't read as fast as you." So I pointed out that I'm *still* a mere mortal, but I might possibly have access to a certain Time Lord's TARDIS... ;-D
Today I was talking to a couple of visiting Americans who were using the laundrette when I was and we were discussing the 7th book as they both had copies with them... Nice to be able to strike up a conversation via HP...
LOL! I could totally see The Doctor taking an eager Potter fan into the top-secret warehouse several days pre-release! [laughs]
The Tenth Doctor totally reads Harry Potter ! He told Martha (in "The Shakespeare Code") that he cried at the last book...
Several of us had small Nerdgasms at that point ! ;-D
I finished on Friday too, and very much enjoyed the book. I think reading all the other ones first in quick succession dampened my enjoyment of the seventh. I got a bit burned out on the Potter.
Yay! Congrats on finishing, MotherReader. I can see how reading all seven back to back might burn you out.
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