Elementary/Middle Grade:

by Adam Rex
Nothing has been the same since the Boov invaded Earth and re- named it Smekland. But things get even weirder when twelve-year-old Gratuity Tucci embarks on a journey to find her missing mother--accompanied by her cat (named Pig), a fugitive Boov (named J.Lo) and a slightly illegal hovercar--and realizes that there's more at stake than just her mother's whereabouts. A terrific satire with a touching ending and spot-on illustrations by the author, the novel is heartwarming and hilarious at the same time. Gratuity's narrative voice as she struggles to define "the true meaning of Smekday" will draw readers in.
Nominated by jennifer, aka literaticat.
Young Adult:

by Shannon Hale
Bloomsbury USA Children's Books
On her first day as a Lady’s Maid, Dashti finds herself locked in a tower for seven years with her Lady, who is being punished for refusing to marry the Lord of a neighboring land. Thus begins a life-and-death battle against evil and time. Lyrically written and set in ancient central Asia, this novel retells a little-known Brother’s Grimm fairy tale with desperate, heart-wrenching emotion. Readers will be drawn in by the beautiful language and fighting spirit of Dashti, whose faith, spunk and ingenuity affect not only the darkness of her tower, but also the hearts and futures of kings.
Nominated by Sarah Miller.
I loved both of these books and think that they are outstanding choices!
View the 2007 Cybils winners in all categories
Congratulations to the authors, illustrators, and publishers of the winners!
I'd like to thank the Cybils Fantasy and Science Fiction category judges for their hard work in reading the finalists and choosing the two fantasy and science fiction winners:
Gwenda Bond, a writer and critic
Libby Gruner, an English professor who specializes in Children's and YA literature
Chris Rettstatt, YA author of the Kaimira series
Janelle Bitikofer, YA/Children's writer
Michele Fry, Independent scholar and writer
The true meaning of Smekday sounds like a great read. My kids and I recently finished Hale's book and loved it. We just finished Nightmare Academy which was also a great read.
Shannon Hale WONNNNNN!!!! :)
LOL, Erin. I have to confess that I already knew she'd won when you posted your comment that you were rooting for her the other day, and it was SO hard not to be able to say anything. It's a great book and really deserves the kudos (although every book on the shortlist is outstanding).
J Scott: Smekday really is a good read, especially if you like humor. I have to confess I haven't read "Nightmare Academy" in spite of the author having commented on my blog a while back. It looks interesting, I just have so many books to read!
Oh, LOL! That is really funny. Thanks for not spoiling it. :)
From a generally non-fantasy type reader like me, I read and LOVED both of these books. So glad that they won.
Hey, MR, glad to know that even a non-fantasy reader enjoyed these books!
*so happy*
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