Betrayal on Orbis 2
The Softwire, book 2
by P.J. Haarsma
Johnny Turnbull - JT to his friends - is a softwire: he has the rare and highly prized ability to communicate mentally with computers. But JT and his friends are indentured servants. They were born from frozen embryos on a seed-ship, and their parents, who were already dead before the children were born, sent the children to the Rings of Orbis in hopes of a better life. JT and the other children will have to work off their parents' debt for the passage as servants on Orbis; when their term is ended, they will have the opportunity to apply to become citizens.
In the first book, Virus on Orbis 1, JT had to solve the problem of a malfunction with the central computer, while trying to prove that he wasn't the once causing the problem. Now, JT, his sister Ketheria, and the other children in their group have other problems. Their guarantor, Weegin, is essentially bankrupt, and instead of turning the children over to the Keepers as directed, he takes them to Orbis 2 to sell them.
JT ends up with a new job, communicating with the Samirans, huge aliens who live in the water and are responsible for cooling the crystals harvested on Orbis. Because of his softwire abilities, JT is the only one who can communicate directly with the Samirans. The Samirans are upset, and it's JT's job to find out why before the Samirans can disrupt the upcoming harvest of the critical Crystal of Life. If he succeeds, he'll be a hero on Orbis. If he fails, the consequences will be enormous. But JT learns that there are dirty secrets lurking under the surface of Orbis, and that there is more at stake than success or failure of the harvest.
Betrayal on Orbis 2 is the kind of outer space adventure that I loved in middle school. With non-stop excitement, rich world building, and lots of cool aliens and technology, this is a great book for science fiction fans and reluctant readers. JT is an interesting and well-developed character, and his character development is well-done within the context of the story without slowing down the action. JT struggles with wanting to do what is right, but wanting to protect himself and his friends, two goals that are sometimes at odds. In one powerful scene, JT, who has been made controller of the group by the guarantor, is ordered to punish one of the other children who has been a bully and a problem for JT and the other children. JT knows that it would be wrong, though, and refuses to do it, until the guarantor threatens JT's sister if he doesn't perform the punishment.
Many of the minor characters are not as well developed, although the bully Switzer is more fully developed in this book than in the first one, and in many ways becomes a sympathetic character while still remaining a thorn in JT's side. Haarsma excels at creating sympathetic villians, who are convincingly hateful but have enough pathos to make them "human," even the aliens. In fact, some of the alien secondary characters are more interesting than the human ones.
You could probably read Betrayal on Orbis 2 without having read the first book, but I think it will make more sense if you read Virus on Orbis 1 first. Go ahead and read them both; The Softwire is a great science fiction series. Put it in the hands of reluctant readers and watch them get hooked.
Betrayal on Orbis 2 will be published on March 25, 2008.
Haarsma has set up a foundation to encourage reluctant readers and to help provide books for libraries, schools, and other institutions in need. Click here for more information about the The Kids Need to Read Foundation.
There's also a multi-player online game (MMORPG) associated with the books; I haven't played it, but it looks really cool. I might actually try it! Click here for the Rings of Orbis game.
I love The Softwire series and have so much appreciation for the emotional depth of Betrayal on Orbis 2. So well-written was the despair of one bad alien, that I had tears in my eyes for him, despite comprehending that he was betraying the children.
The protagonist himself is not perfect. JT makes some very serious mistakes, but it is his perseverance, positive spirit and compassion for others that make him a true hero, not his special ability. This realistic portrayal of a boy whose good qualities make him shine despite his lack of confidence is the best lesson of these great books.
I love your review!
Thanks for your comments, Denise. Good point about JT, and one that I forgot to make. He's not perfect, and he makes some bad choices, yet he really struggles to do the right thing. As you say, there is a lot of emotional depth here, but it sneaks up on you. There's enough excitement to hold the interest of reluctant readers, yet there's also enough depth to appeal to more sophisticated readers. All in all, it's an outstanding book.
Exactly! The emotions don't hit you in the face, nor do they slow down the pacing. But they're there to enrich the story for those who want to absorb them.
Thank you for the reply, Sheila. It's great when a book connects with people in the same way.
I agree - I love these discussions. It's great to connect like this.
Ah, The Softwire. I'm glad to see you're continuing reading the series, Sheila. I get all warm and fuzzy when I see anything connected with any of our old Cybils books.
I know what you mean, Gail. Me too! You should check it out. I think it's better than the first one.
OK, I have let the first book languish for too long on the TBR pile. I will pick it up next! Great review.
Great! I hope you enjoy it, Camille. Thanks for letting me know that my review was helpful.
I was really looking forward to reading “Betrayal on Orbis 2” after having read the first book in the” Softwire” series “Virus on Orbis 1”. I love anything to do with IT and I love science fiction. Science Fiction is a great way of escaping into another world where you don’t have to worry about what’s going on in the real one. These books have both and PJ Haarsma writes in such a way that I find once I pick it up, I can’t put it down. I’ve recommended Virus on Orbis 1 to a few people and they all seem to love it as much as I do.
Now I can’t wait for part 3!
Oh, and there’s a great RPG game that goes along with this series at http://www.ringsoforbis.com that in addtion to being a lot of fun might inspire kids who don’t read to get into the books.
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