Thursday, May 30, 2013

Things I learned today at BEA

  1. Acquiring copies of the buzz books after a buzz panel requires combat skills usually only needed in post-apocalyptic survival settings.
  2. The Jikji Buddhist teachings were printed in Korea using metal movable type in 1377, which was 78 years before Gutenberg's Bible. (from the Korean Printers Association)
  3. Drinking chocolate is to die for. (No, it's not at all like hot chocolate. More like drinking a chocolate bar.) Check out booth S560 for a sample if you don't believe me.
  4. How to say "Hello" in Chinese. (ChineseCubes language learning system, booth DZ1966.
  5. The hot "new" subgenre in YA this year seems to be: Science Fiction! (Happy dance!)
  6. You can still get your bag back if you lose your bag check claim ticket, but the bag check staff won't be happy with you.
  7. I look better as a pirate than as Rapunzel: 

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