I wanted to share some of the latest reviews of my husband's book, The Dark Dreamweaver:
- Becky of Becky's Book Reviews, said, "...there are many other characters, both good and bad, that make this magical read worth the time." Read her entire review.
- Daisy of Compost Happens (I love the name of her blog!) had this to say:
I enjoyed The Dark Dreamweaver and look forward to the continuing saga of The Remin Chronicles. I can willingly recommend this book to those who enjoy fantasy, but may not be advanced enough readers to tackle some of the longer books in the genre.
Read her entire review. - A bunch of bloggers in the MotherTalk network reviewed the book a couple of weeks ago. Here's a wrap-up post with links to the original reviews. I'm sorry for not listing each of you individually, but I'm grateful just the same!
Many many thanks to all of you who took the time to read the book and share your thoughts.
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