The title and cover of book 4 of Percy Jackson and the Olympians have been announced! The title is The Battle of the Labyrinth and you can see the lovely cover to the left.
Thanks to PW for the news.
To keep updated on the latest on the series, check out Rick Riordan's blog, Myth & Mystery.
Yes! I was about to ask you if you knew anything about this yet. :P But here you've posted it, and my life is temporarily fulfilled. ^^
I'm glad I could help you find fulfillment, Spirithunter. :-) I forgot to mention that the book will be published on May 6, 2008.
Ah. Right before my brother's birthday. Perfect timing. :P
Oh, and speaking of my brother, he wants to know if Riordan will be going on tour...
I haven't heard anything about a tour, but if I do, I'll be sure to post it. If he does, it will probably be in May when the new book is published.
You sure read a lot of books, Spirithunter, don't you? :-)
I still haven't read The Titan's Curse yet, because I'm waiting for it in paperback, and I'm swamped beneath books to review, books to write and books that my editor wants fixed before the release date.
LOL, but I love these books, being the mythology geek I am, and can't wait to read this one.
I know what you mean about being swamped, LOL. Titan's Curse is really good - probably better than Sea of Monsters. I love how Apollo is portrayed! You should definitely read it.
Yes, I do read a lot of books. You should see my bookshelf... it's filled to the brim, and I've gotten rid of a lot so I've probably had twice that total...
The Titan's Curse was probably my favorite. I didn't like Artemis that much, but Apollo more than makes up for it. He is amazing. I love his haikus... he's so random and awesome... XD
That's awesome that you like to read so much, Spirithunter!
This is the best moment of my life. Now I can't wait till it comes out so I can read it. But its bad it will be publish next may. Go Rick
i love the siries and i cant wait for the new book to come out i still think the the lighting thief was my favorite... i am reading it for like the fifth time i cant wait... do you know if he will be poasting the first chapter any time soon like he did with the other books
Wow, five times. That's awesome. I agree that The Lightning Thief was my favorite, too.
I don't know if he'll post the first chapter, but if he does it'll probably be closer to the publication date when he does.
i am a huge fan of this series!!! im only 13 and this is and probably will be my all time favorite book series! i think this book might even be better than my fave the lighting theif..
OMG!!!! This is my favorite book series! The only problem is that I'm going to have to wait until next year to get it...
I really love this series i think it is awsome cant wait till #4
I LOVE THIS SERIES! I'm just a boy in 6th grade who read all of the books that came out in 5th grade! I love Rick's writing, it's like a kid is writing it! I can relate a lot to Percy. You never really see Percy's face except the darkned image on the " Titan's Curse". I'm not trying to be the annoying person, but I kind of look like percy. Plus I'm an actor so I really want to play him in the movie that comes out.
OMG! This is the best series ever! I still haven't gotten over the third book. I need this book to hurry up and come out.
me and my friend and i just got done reading the whole series we're gonna reread the series,just until the 5th one comes out so excited:] I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when will the fourth percy jackson book be released in the uk??
does any1 know??
wen the 5th book gonna cum
Looks like Percy Jackson book 5: The Last Olympian, will be published on May 5, 2009! You can preorder it from Amazon here.
This series is the best I've been dying to read number four.
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